jobtilbud Rødby, Zealand

48 jobtilbud


Logistic Engineer

Rødby, Zealand

For the offshore activities in FLC Marine, we are looking for skilled and dedicated Logistic Engineer. The Logistic Engineer plays a critical role i...

Vessel Coordinator

Rødby, Zealand

For the offshore activities in FLC Marine, we are looking for skilled and dedicated Vessel Coordinator. The Vessel Coordinator plays a pivotal role ...

Logistic Supervisor

Rødby, Zealand

For the offshore activities in FLC Marine, we are looking for skilled and dedicated Logistic Supervisor. The Logistic Supervisor oversees and coordi...

Assistant Barge Engineer

Rødby, Zealand

For the offshore activities in FLC Marine, starting up Mid 2024, we are looking for a skilled and dedicated Assistant Barge Engineers (1st Engineer, 2...

Barge Officer

Rødby, Zealand

For the offshore activities in FLC Marine, starting up Q2 2024, we are looking for a skilled and dedicated Barge Officers for the assigned vessels ( s...

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